Bike Tour

 bhutan bike tour

One moment along the twists and turns of a deep ravine along narrow mountain trails and the next with the view of the majestic Himalayan ranges stretching to the horizons before you, this is bike in Bhutan. The thrill of biking in the panoramic terrain of Bhutan is an adventure that beckons to every cyclist looking for something out of the ordinary.
As one progress along the route, there is a discernible change in the flora and temperature when one gradually descends, from the aping height, into the temperate regions of the east. All along the route the interruption by picturesque and almost medieval, villages and towns rich in cultural spots make a welcome diversion.

The best time for cycling in Bhutan are the Spring months of March, April and May. Autumn months of September, October and November are equally excellent times as well.

In Bhutan there are numerous paved trails located out of cities. Bhutan biking programs are various with a duration more or less long, as per your will. Do not hesitate to contact Ask The Nepal Adventure to know about our bike tours in Bhutan.




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